Monday, November 24, 2008


OK, I’ve been meaning to comment on this for a while because it really irks me…

Firstly, know that I am a big fan of logos and color schemes. Team image is one of the many influences that impacts the fan experience and I am a very visual-minded person. The larger piece of team image, of course, is personnel, because no matter how cool you look, if your team is full of losers then the experience will be forgettable. But say you’ve done your job with that… teams are known visually by their logo and color schemes. It gives them their unique look.

The Sonics had the chance, when they moved to Oklahoma City, to change their look. They chose the name Thunder, and I am OK with that. The logo they chose is pretty weak though, in my opinion. But where I have a problem is-- when they went to choose a color scheme they went with light blue. I say again… light blue. Light blue and orange just doesn’t convey Thunder to me. When I think thunder, I conjure up images of dark and ominous clouds, maybe some steaks of lightning or some hail… the sky reverberating with loud crashes that shake the bowels of men. NOT light blue.

But this is not the only reason why light blue is a terrible color choice. How many teams already have blue in their color scheme? Let’s count them, shall we?!

1. Utah Jazz
2. Denver Nuggets
3. Memphis Grizzlies
4. New Orleans Hornets
5. Orlando Magic
6. Dallas Mavericks
7. Minnesota Timberwolves
8. Detroit Pistons
9. Washington Wizards
10. New Jersey Nets
11. LA Clippers
12. Golden State Warriors
13. Charlotte Bobcats
14. Atlanta Hawks
15. New York Knicks

Exactly one half of the teams in the NBA… already. And 8 or 9 of those are not just blue, but light blue. So the creative geniuses in Oklahoma City chose what color? Did they poll a group of sixth graders for input? I can picture the owner’s wife saying, “Gee, most teams already have light blue… light blue must be the latest shade in Basketball… so let’s go with… light blue!” Way to be original.

Next chance they get (read All-Star break) they should change it to black and purple, with white lightning bolts for trim… something like that. Something thunder-ish. Just not light blue!!! The whole idea makes me long for Sonic green and yellow.

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